Thank you

Thank you for contacting California’s Best Traffic Law Firm. One of us will contact you shortly.

Thank you for your submission, right now our staff is processing your case and will assign it to the attorney that handles your courthouse. You should expect an email receipt and welcome email from us (if you don’t receive either within 24 hours please check your spam, if it’s still not there, text our hot-phone @ 1-619-708-2073.) You’ll then receive an email from our attorney confirming the case.

Please remember, our attorney has the right to reject the case within 48 hours for any reason including, improper form filling or material omissions were made.

Trials Already Scheduled
Our online form does not allow hiring us for cases that are currently set for trial (you would know because to get a trial you or an attorney has to plead “not guilty” in front of a judge) without first talking to the actual trial attorney. This requires the attorney to input the case information while on the phone with the client. We do this to guarantee successful communication. The trial date IS NOT the due date on the ticket.