Speeding Over 70 MPH Ticket
What is VC 22356(b) Speeding?
A Speeding over 70 MPH ticket is a charge under VC 22356(b) alleges that you drove over 70 miles per hour on a highway.
What Are VC 22356(b) Penalties?
If you are found guilty or simply pay the fine for a VC 22356(b) the DMV will place a point on your record for 3 years. Insurance companies then take you off “good driver discount” status and increase your premium accordingly. Over the course of 3 years, you may pay $900 to $4,000 more for car insurance just because of a point.
Fines are another penalty imposed by the court. The amount of fines depends on the speed over the speed limit for which you are convicted and if you have prior moving violations. Fines typically range between $350 and $600 for the speeding charge alone.
What Can California Ticket King, PC Do?
Our attorneys are very experienced in California Traffic Law. We will make all appearances in court for you. Around your appear by date, our attorney will enter a plea of “not guilty” on your behalf. We request that you be released O/R (you won’t have to post bail) and that the court set a trial date sometime in the future. We then show up on the trial date and fight your ticket.
Learn More…
If you are charged with violating the California Vehicle Code, hire California’s best ticket law firm. We will substantially increase the odds of getting your ticket dismissed, fines reduced, or DMV points avoided. To learn more about our procedures and how we can fight your traffic ticket, call the California Ticket King, PC at 619-708-2073 or email our attorneys at info@caticketking.com.
We Go To Court For You!
Dismiss Your Ticket in 3 Easy Steps

Step One
Hire our law firm online, by phone or through email. Tell us about your case, get us documents and proof.

Step Two
Our attorneys go to court for you! We plead you not guilty, hold trial and present proof.

Step Three
Our case managers update you. You comply with the court’s orders or it’s dismissed.
Attorney Advantage
Hiring an attorney to defend your traffic ticket may mean the difference between a conviction and a dismissal. With high fines, DMV points and your license at stake, you need an experienced traffic law firm to handle it. Our traffic attorneys are the best in the business because:
We know the law and procedure that govern traffic law and traffic courts. We use the knowledge we've gained to get an advantage in court. Knowing the right legal maneuvers may mean the difference between a conviction and a dismissal.
We go to court for you
Under Penal Code 977 we can make all your court appearances without you having to be present. In most cases, you will never have to go to court. We appear on your behalf and represent you to the fullest extent of the law.
Cost effective
Hiring an attorney doesn't have to be expensive. Our fees are reasonable because we have designed our business to be efficient. Many clients actually save money because they have hired our law firm.